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Winner of the Scotsman’s Fringe First award for outstanding and innovative writing, 2023

Fringe First

In 2023, BeRuffled Productions won a prestigious Fringe First Award for its debut of Square Peg at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Written and performed by Simeon Morris, Square Peg is a light-hearted yet profound exploration of personal growth, the art of dress-making and masculinity.

Square Peg poster

Norwich Arts Centre

Square Peg is set to come to the Norwich Arts Centre in October for one night only after receiving national acclaim.

The one-man show from Norfolk-born playwright Simeon Morris draws on his own lived experience to shine a light on the realities of masculinity, gender identity and self-acceptance.

Trained actor and Hollywood costume creator Morris uses his flair for drama and design to create a truly unique hour of theatre.


Have you ever felt like something was amiss, like you didn’t quite fit in, as if everything you did to earn the love and belonging you craved kept collapsing like a house of cards?

As if the feeling

of being worthy of love and belonging was forever just outside your reach?

Angry man at sewing machine

Then Square Peg might just speak to you.

It’s about love and pain and loss.

It’s about sensuous silken fabrics draped on the bias and Body Shop Cucumber Cleanser.

It’s about broken hearts.

It’s about a wounded man who wounded his son.

It’s about cross dressing.

It’s about a young South Asian sex worker, and a German photographer.

It’s about sex and it’s about handcrafted leather accessories.

It’s about poetry and blackbirds.

It’s about mid-life crises and when your back’s against the wall.

It’s about catharsis.

And finally, it’s about hope.

What the press said about Square Peg

The Scotsman ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎

“It’s a frank and involving piece, one which surely presents a more nuanced look at the contradictions of masculinity than almost any other on this year’s Fringe.”

Corr Blimey

“An authentic, gorgeously easy-going, and vulnerable piece of solo-performance theatre”

Jackie McGlone

“Seamlessly crafted, profoundly moving, gorgeously enchanting…”

Neurodiverse Review ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎

“A quiet powerhouse of a performer.”

Event details

Venue: The Norwich Arts Centre, St Benedicts Street, Norwich NR2 4PG

Dates: Sunday 20th October 2024

Times: 19:30

Run time: 60 mins

Age: 16+

A poster for the Norwich Arts Centre